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“I really enjoyed how safe and calm I felt through it all. It granted me the space to get out of my head, tune out the noise, doubts, and find peace for a moment. Most people are stuck in the day-to-day grind; without a clue of how to gain ownership of their story. What the future self sound bath provides is a safe container to gain clarity on your fears, desires and goals - an opportunity to explore the voice within. ”
Brian B.
Your order summary
Future Self Sound Journey 9/7 10:30a
This ticket includes 1 hr of time travel on a neon cloud to meet your future self in this live sound journey & guided visualization experience.
Special offer just for you 🤗
Custom Sound Journey

Interested in kicking things up a notch? Book a private sound journey for a custom tailored experience specific to meet you where you are in life right now.

The neon cloud has lots of destinations and I offer many different private journeys: Founder Support,  Athlete Peak Performance, Inner Child, Future Parents, and more!

We'll have a discussion before hand to make the most of the experience & custom tailor the guided visualization uniquely to you.

Give the gift of an energetic massage to your favorite overworked founder, athletes, graduates, newly weds, bachelorette, and more.

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