future self
sound journey

saturday sept 7th 10:30aM cst

HOSTED AT the bluprint Studio

in historic greenwood

It's a guided visualization + sound bath where you time travel on a neon cloud to meet your future self,  come catch a vibe with us.

Benefits according to scientific research & our clients:


Reduce your stress load & 
cortisol levels


Improve your sleep quality


Minimize your feelings of anxiety, depression, & overwhelm


Boost your creativity & focus


Find deeper connection with self and feelings of being worthy & enough

A Sound Journey is for you if:

You're feeling burnt out and haven't been doing much for your mental health lately

You're tired af and just wanna recharge your battery in a productive & healthy way

you're looking for some clarity on what's ahead in your biz or other area of your life

you make time & space for everyone else and have a tough time prioritizing your me time

you think time traveling sounds cool and would like to try it out for yourself

you deserve a break

set your grind aside for an hour & come rest


Only 15 spots available, grab yours before it sells out (which it regularly does)


What do I need to bring to the session?

You'll need to bring a few things: 

  • yoga mat (none available, couch/chair seating is an option )
  • blanket & pillow if you're trying to get cozy
  • water bottle
  • pen & paper recommended

where is The flats clubhouse?

Located in the downtown arts district ON THE CORNER OF ARCHER & BOSTON STREET by the Archer Nail Bar and across the street from Center of the Universe. You'll enter the building and make your way to the 5th floor clubhouse upon arrival

what's the parking situation like?

Parking is free on the weekend and ARRIVING 10 MINS EARLY to get settled is requested so that we can start on time. The door will be locked at 10:30a and the session will have started. Give yourself the gift of arriving early so you're stress free about it, your Future Self says thanks!

plug yourself 

back into you

Making time & space in your schedule to rest, recharge, and recuperate is a REQUIRED to keep burnout at bay and creating a business that is built to last….yet it's often the first thing to go when the schedule gets wild.

Your energy and health are your most precious assets in your business and this is one of the most effective practices backed in science where you can productively escape & rest, allowing you to bring more of your Elevated Self back into your business and life.

WTF is a Sound Journey?

It's basically an energetic massage: you'll leave feeling outrageously refreshed and at peace, like your energy just got a bath (cuz it did).

If you're interested in the more nerdy definition, read on!

Technically it's a guided visualization paired a sound bath where you can access altered states of consciousness.

The vibrations of crystal singing bowls allow you to slow down your brain waves while holding your nervous system in a parasympathetic state. 

The soundwaves wash through your body creating resonance at a specific healing frequency and you're able to access your alpha and theta brain wave states (aka the gateway to your subconscious). 

Studies show that sound baths flush out toxins in the body on cellular level and 45 minutes of theta brainwave activity is the equivalent to 4-5 hours of sleep.

Throw a guided visualization in the mix and you've got a ticket to Thetaland, a productive adult nap that will have you feeling relaxed AF.

60-Minute Session 

We'll cover the quick basics of visualization & sound therapy and then dive on into thetaland

vision advisor

Shenna Jean

After closing a business due to hitting extreme functional burnout while co-founding a wellness based social club, I finally realized that there will never be a more important to-do on my list than prioritizing my energy hygiene & mental health. My life purpose is to support founders & leaders in doing the same while they create companies that change the world.

Tap into the Make One Day Happen podcast, check out our app for access to a sound library & courses, attend a live event or reach out for custom founder & team development support.


word on the streets from fellow neon cloud riders

“The Future Self Sound Journey offered me an alternative pathway to a deep state of relaxation where I delighted in the freedom, space, and creativity I discovered there. I was attuned to the sensations in my body and felt absent of the ego. I can add that as a therapist I have tried many guided imagery and meditation practices, this was far better and perhaps more comparable to my experiences during a massage, live music, maybe even to finding a flow state in yoga.”

—Kristen N.

“I really enjoyed the breath work to start the journey, it is a great touch! Calms those who may start distracted by outside thoughts but also I personally found that oxygenating the blood helped me be in a relaxed state without feeling like I may nod off. I got reinforced clarity on the purpose of my current grind. This is a journey from the present to the future providing a portal and a mirror to yourself. Don't miss your ride back, there's no DeLoreans where you're headed!”

—Collin S.

“I LOVED the singing bowls! The musical component really helped my wandering mind to slow down and just be. Since the Future Self Sound Journey I am looking at things with wider eyes. I keep thinking about my future goal and I can visualize how I can/ will reach it. It's like a guided meditation that you can really connect with. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer, ha!”

—Michaela R.

“I recently went to a sound healing event held by shenna jean that made me envision my life a year from now. What I saw and felt helped me feel better about my current situation. Seeing my future self, I felt free, energized, and I saw that I had done what I envisioned to do this entire year.”

—Alexis V.

Life is too short to keep telling yourself “one day”…prioritize yourself & your mental and come ride the neon cloud with us.